On wonder and physics

Marilynne Robinson disputes the idea that science can answer life’s deepest questions.



Marilynne Robinson disputes the idea that science can answer life’s deepest questions.


I don’t think that there’s anything in science as we might understand it, you know, in the period of quantum physics and all the rest, that implies answers lie there. 

I don’t think I’ve ever spoken with a real scientist, as I would say, who would make that suggestion. I’ve … you know, just because of the kinds of subjects that I have brought up in my career, I’ve talked with a number of perfectly fine physicists and they seem to be in a state of sort of aesthetic wonder. Beautiful as it all is, one answer that lies there, actually, is the fact that people are unbelievably brilliant. And that, again, who knows, who knows who will have the splendid idea? People are mysteries and also infinitely valuable in that way.